Although Dr. Stadolnik frequently tailors workshop topics and training programs to the specific needs of sponsoring organizations, the following titles represent the most frequently requested workshop topics:
Child and Juvenile Firesetting: From Mythology to Best Practice (Full day)
Evaluating Juvenile and Adult Firesetting (Full Day)
Adolescent Female Firesetting: Cinderella or Medusa? (Half day)
Firesetting and Residential Care (Half Day)
The Four A’s of Firesetting (Half Day)
Firesetting Behavior: Prevention and Intervention Strategies for the Adult Psychiatric Population (Half Day)
Master Class in Firesetting Behavior Treatment Planning-Advanced (Full Day)
Master Class in Firesetting Behavior Assessment-Advanced (Full Day)
There’s a Fire in the Bathroom!: Responding to School Fires Set by Students
What Were You Thinking: Expanding Motivation Profiles (Half Day)
Firesetting Risk Assessment Tool – Youth (FRAT-Y): Application and Practice (Full Day)
Understanding, Assessing, and Intervention with Adult Firesetting (1-1/2 Day)
About Firepsych
Robert Stadolnik, Ed.D., President of FirePsych, Inc., is a Licensed Psychologist and author of Drawn to the Flame: Assessment and Treatment of Juvenile Firesetting Behavior (Professional Resource Press, 2000) and the Firesetting Risk Assessment Tool for Youth (FRAT-Y), 2010.
Although Dr. Stadolnik frequently tailors workshop topics and training programs to the specific needs of sponsoring organizations, the following titles represent the most frequently requested workshop topics.
Firesetting Risk Assessment Tool for Youth (FRAT-Y) by Dr. Robert Stadolnik is now available to order.
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